Beyond Diagnosis: The Other Side of Healing

Beyond Diagnosis: The Other Side of Healing


sunrise meditation

Yogis, shamans, and mystics throughout time have sharpened their focus and intention to shape matter and alter their DNA. They regard these practices as natural and important evolutionary skills, and spend time daily in conscious connection with Nature and the mystery.

Modern medicine now acknowledges that “spontaneous remissions” occur with such frequency they are impossible to ignore. Research shows that heart-brain coherence, or vibrational resonance, effects therapeutic biochemical shifts. We create heart-brain coherence with meditation, spiritual practice, friendship, and breath. The more we serve kindness on the planet, the more resonant we become, and the brighter we shine.

The healthiest, happiest people i’ve known all seem to expect to thrive, and focus significant attention to build inner awareness, intuition, daily nurturance and self-care. High vitality, as well as “spontaneous remissions”, are more likely if we know, or even imagine, that we are innately wired to heal. Diagnosis can point to where attention is needed to create balance. It can open up reconnection and inner guidance on how to heal.

OUR BODIES REVEL IN AWAKENING THE REGENERATIVE POWERS ENCODED IN OUR DNA. When these powers wither from lack of use, our bodies pine.

Mystics and saints live in realms beyond time and space, on the edge of matter and spirit, afloat in the great mystery of the cosmic soup. Theirs is a uniquely different life perspective, much like that of an innocent child, guided by curiosity, passion and faith. Without faith in possibility there is nowhere to go. Perhaps we are mystics on the verge of self-discovery, being called now to awaken awe, and the cloak of self-healing waits nearby…

open nhands receiving

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