More About Pain, Degeneration, & Renewal

Let’s talk about pain, degeneration, and disease. It’s not “old age”. It’s not genetic. It’s accumulated lifelong stresses that have gone unprocessed by our bodies for years!
– y pritam hari

Perhaps you have noticed that brain research and treatment is trending as the number one solution to our health crisis – and it’s about time! With emerging Neuroscience research, finally the truth has gone mainstream. People are suffering gravely today, and until now, nobody’s been looking to the actual cause: it’s all about resynchronizing the brain and the nerves!

My mission and passion in life is to end pain. As a Chronic Pain Specialist, Master Bodyworker, and Yoga Therapist, i’ve studied Neuroscience and deep anatomy for 30 years, and helped thousands of people resolve intense physical and emotional struggles, and evolve their brains to much higher function. What does that mean? Let me explain…

Everyone has had trauma, and for most of us, multiple accidents and traumas have piled up and never quite healed. There are physical and emotional repercussions every time, and each event leaves us more limited in some way. We take all this for granted, but we shouldn’t. At the level of the brain and nerves, small imbalances are huge! Our bodies can compensate and adapt, but over time, we’ve tapped their limit.

Medical treatment and physical therapy is the standard response to traumatic injury, which stabilizes the obvious hazards, but it’s not the end of the healing process. It’s barely the beginning. Modern medicine sends people back out into the world incompletely healed; so right away, their brain and nervous system are on high alert. The panic from many collective traumas remains lodged in our deeper brain structures, and we develop symptoms of chronic stress and degeneration: pain, anxiety, depression, mood swings, headaches, thinking and memory problems, sleep issues, digestive trouble, metabolic disorders, anger issues, fatal disease, and many more.

Our culture dismisses brain and head injuries, especially concussions, which is ludicrous. Brain injury is serious, involves the entire nervous system, and if left untreated, leads to neural and cognitive degeneration – think Alzheimers and Parkinsons; Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and mood disorders. Drugs won’t fix this, and their toxic load on the body makes the deeper problems far worse. Brain research shows that hard injuries, falls, and car crashes – and even repeatedly hitting our heads on things – creates the kind of traumatic brain damage football players get! To avoid degeneration and actually heal, it’s essential to calm the nervous system down, reduce brain and nerve inflammation, and flush the brain with fresh fluids. How?

Bodywork. Bodywork is the fastest and simplest way to really heal pain. When in danger, the body “freezes” to protect itself, so injuries always cause splinting and stagnation. When fluids don’t flow, inflammation is the result. Bodywork moves fluids.

Because i’m highly trained in working with trauma and pain, my approach with any client is sensitive, gentle, and curious. CranioSacral Therapy and Brain-Lymph work are the safest place to start, because these approaches calm the central nervous system and primal survival brain; move lymph to carry out the toxic metabolites; and pump vital cerebrospinal fluid through the brain and spine for cleansing, nourishing, and repair. As healers, our primary oath is “Above all, do no harm”. These advanced healing systems are gentle manual therapies taught by Osteopaths who have left the field of “modern medicine” to do holistic work, because they see far better results, without the pharmaceutical complications. It baffles me why anyone would not choose skilled Bodywork first.

There is one other part to brain healing worth mentioning here. Research has proven beyond doubt that in isolation, our brains shrink and lose connections – so of course our body functions begin to fail! Most people i’ve met have gone through numerous traumatic experiences on their own, and been unsupported by the medical system with their ongoing complaints. For these patients, chronic conditions often entail much shame, isolation, and despair. They feel they don’t fit in and can’t keep up. Then, enduring ceaseless pain can make people irritable and “crazy”, as brain connections steadily break apart and shrink. Receiving manual brain therapies – Bodywork for the brain such as what i do – helps brains regenerate and reconnect, so overall health, happiness, and productivity quickly increase.

Our bodies do know how to heal, and it’s easy with compassionate, skilled natural care.


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