Invisible Hazards of Modern Life

gas mask on woman

Environmental sensitivities and food allergies create extreme reactions from feeling shaky, nauseous and ill to neurological shock. 
Chemical pollution across the planet is escalating. Clearly our environmental crisis also threatens human health. Sensitivities of any sort are the body signaling that something in the environment is unsafe. Symptoms of nervous system overwhelm like asthma, dizziness, anaphylaxis, and mini strokes indicate the brain is sputtering to filter out something and support the body maintain life. Circuits are breaking down. Be it alcohol intake or inhaling diesel fuel and exhaust fumes or an adverse reaction to medications and vaccines, neurotoxic substances damage the blood-brain barrier, allowing  toxic chemicals to flood into the brain. 

Consider this perspective: in the modern world, invisible chemicals are constantly assaulting the brain, causing symptoms of subconscious anxiety, panic, fear, foggy thinking, and neurological distress. 
Increasingly, we’ve become unwillingly canaries in a toxic cave, our atmosphere a sinister collection of poison gases and chemicals that we can’t see, but that disable the the brain and nervous system, making us sick.

Poison kills living cells. 
That’s its job. Our brain cells are very much alive. Don't we all know people suffering with anxiety, dementia and other neurodegenerative disease? Poison gases cross the blood-brain barrier and kill brain cells; then the brain and body go into neurological distress - panic at the level of the brain, which can only be repressed for so long. Once overwhelmed, brain circuits literally fry and connections break apart. More and more people are walking down the street now wearing gas masks. Is this the new haute couture fashion, or might there really be something wrong?
Stay tuned to your own body to find out...

Nature's Rx: THE BIG THREE
1) Commit to remain conscious of your environment, and remove yourself from harmful airless spaces, chemicals, and gaseous fumes. 

Consider wearing a filtration mask on the airplane, when you bike to work or run the trail through town; gas up your car; if you enter a room cleaned with chlorine bleach; or when walking your dog at the roadside truck stop. Every exposure counts. We absorb by breathing and through our pores.
2) Sweat regularly. Infrared saunas cleanse deeper body tissue layers than wood saunas, but any sauna is good! 
Sweat actively if you can, but if not, then just remember to breathe, stretch, and take your saunas. Rehydrate - drink clean filtered water or lemon water to replenish lost fluids.
3) Find a clean, fresh, quiet spot where you can breathe pure air deeply, in and out.

This simple threefold prescription will change your life, and lighten that sense of internal pressure most of us unconsciously carry throughout life.

Healing is a lifestyle. Alignment is an art.


Sensory Awareness and Evolution


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