Beyond All Ideas…is Now…

This historical moment is an interesting and horrifying interface, where life-or-death questions loom: Are we willing here and now to unsheathe and cultivate our god-given healing powers? Or will we let unjust laws and unelected authorities stamp out human relationships and crush our natural gifts, all in the name of pharmaceutical profit and frequency-based cyber-control? 

The voice inside me called out “Write!” and yet words would not come. It’s been a while since i posted - because i could not fathom how to wrap the current story into a helpful vignette once again.
Our hearts become weary thrashing in the maelstrom month after month after month…
We don’t have any answers right now, and there remains only our leap of faith together into the great unknown.

Being quieter has allowed some of the noise to drain out; and ironically, new noise to filter in. My overall message has not changed at all in 40 years: i teach and talk about self-healing. We are self-regenerating beings, and our truest nature is to evolve.

Visions seed possibility. Visions open space and enable the soul’s longing to break out.

Now is the time to stake our claim on our bodies, and our Right to choose for ourselves. We know when our bodies are healthy, and when they are unwell; there is no need for government rule over this. Health freedom advocates dance to their own drums and enjoy radiant health, because we are not easy to program with technology, marketing, and disempowering lies. None of us require - or desire - medical intervention. It comes down to our simple day-to-day decisions, and our long range vision or plan. i believe our visions come well in advance of our plans. It’s all energy in motion, and our willingness to face the tough awakenings together now nourishes the cultural whole. Individually and collectively, freedom loving people escalate spiritual force across the globe. That’s what gets us up in the morning, and lets us drift off into sleep at night…the loving wave of spiritual force.

Everything is interconnected in the consciousness of Creation. To paraphrase Dr Martin Luther King, i cannot be all that i am until you are become all that you are as well…such is the interconnected nature of all life. Let’s support each other to rise - displace the oppression and tyranny of lies - create a world more just and wise…

In closing, i entreat you into silence, to surrender your questions and your troubled mind. i lovingly urge you to see your deep heart’s longing while there is still time. And i dare you to dream about who you could be if you didn’t let them tell you ever again what to think and do.
We have a lawful Right and Duty to disobey unjust laws, and to call the perpetrators square in the face.

Our questions are deep and significant now. Turn to your inner heart, and ask to know. Truth lies therein.

“Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing 

and right-doing there is a field.

I'll meet you there.



Planning Ahead to Thrive


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