4 Keys To Overcome Insomnia and Pain

Our body rhythms become severely de-synchronized by the pervasive deluge of radiation from technology; toxic air quality; pharmaceuticals; and processed food-like products that stay “fresh” for years. In our quest for health and vitality, we should look first to the actual causes of our ills.

As a therapist specialized in Bodywork and Structural Yoga for 30 years, i notice people too easily discount basic natural laws, and instead run everywhere else for solutions to their pain. It is epidemic to seek answers outside of ourselves, and marketing reinforces this. Yoga, Bodywork, and Herbal Self-Care, however, reconnect us to our own bodies, intuition, and self-healing power instead. These holistic sciences restore balance organically, bringing us back into synchrony with the rhythms and cycles of Nature, of which we are incontrovertibly a part. The strongest medicine on the planet is focused consciousness, and once we realize that, much of what plagues this planet will end.

Our bodies are electro-magnetic circuits that operate on direct current: the energy of the sun; the ionic charge of oceans, rivers, and streams; the fresh oxygen produced by the trees. As part of Nature ourselves, our brains and nervous systems are synchronized with Nature’s rhythmic waves. Our body rhythms become severely de-synchronized by the pervasive deluge of radiation from technology; toxic air quality; pharmaceuticals; and processed food-like products that stay “fresh” for years. In our quest for health and vitality, we should look first to the actual causes of our ills.

A healthy lifestyle will never come in a pill or online course; because what is required is a complete reset of the unconscious habits that break us down. Modern research has proven role of emotions and beliefs in wellbeing; yet our minds remain preoccupied by sensations of physical pain and stress. Breaking this cycle may be easier than you may think, and it begins with four simple habits that will help you sleep better, overcome physical pain and disease, and balance your emotional state.

  1. POWER DOWN your own body. We ourselves must turn our own nervous systems down. It’s called autonomic self-regulation, and practices of breathwork, meditation, yoga and BIOFEEDBACK all accomplish this. CUT OUT ALL STIMULANTS before bed- especially TV, DIGITAL DEVICES, & ELECTRICITY in the bedroom… Our nervous systems are jacked up and WE have to dial them down ourselves. Technology and electricity literally SCRAMBLE OUR WIRES, yet cell towers and power plants are everywhere, so we are impacted all the time…even in “paradise” i’ve heard!

  2. HYDRATE – by drinking water of course; and also by daily self-oiling. BEGIN TO OIL MASSAGE YOUR FEET and/ or SCALP (and anywhere that’s stiff or hurts) every night before bed; or oil your whole body* in the morning, then don’t use soap to shower. This is VERY important medicine for the nervous system, and it’s part of why people benefit from massage. Our nerves need oil to function; stress dries them out so nerve endings fray and don’t connect well any more. Oiling our skin nourishes our nerves AND respiration. According to Ayurveda, India’s traditional medicine, unrefined sesame oil is the best for all body types; however if you prefer olive or coconut oil, choose that. As a service to my clients and friends, i make herbal infused oils – to view those, you can click on a drop-down menu in my website toolbar.

  3. SLEEP IN TOTAL DARKNESS. Light interrupts circadian rhythms. For now, avoid the blue and yellow light frequencies too. Eliminate noise. WAKE up naturally before the sun, or use an old fashioned alarm clock. If your clock is electric, turn the lights away from you. DO NOT SLEEP NEAR INTERNET/DEVICES; ELECTRICAL SOCKETS; OR UNDER POWER LINES. Keep ALL devices in a different room, nowhere near your body.

  4. TAKE TIME TO BREATHE CONSCIOUSLY EVERY DAY. Breathing clears toxins, oxygenates brain and blood, and synchronizes brain rhythms. Start your morning with a few minutes of breathing and meditation. Come to your center before you begin your day. Breath is the bridge between mind and body, thoughts, and sensations. Take breathing breaks throughout the day to diffuse stress and reenergize the brain. Mind-body medicine is useless if we forget to breathe.

So there you have it, four unseen causative factors in symptoms of pain, stress, and disease that you can control. Even just one of these shifts, practiced faithfully for 3 months, will expand your consciousness…and might just herald miraculous epiphanies in your own life, restore sanity to our shattered healthcare and by default influence the planet’s electro-magnetic field too. There are many ways to BECOME THE CHANGE WE WISH TO SEE.

In Ayurveda, India’s ancient medical science, daily self-oiling is called “Abhyanga” . Natural Medicine is very practical: create healthy habits that replenish what gets depleted in the course of our days, and pay attention. Every single healthy, happy, successful person does this. The time is NOW. We have reached the tipping point.


Heavy Metal Toxicity, Neurological Disorders, and Detox
